viernes, 17 de abril de 2015


If i have to write any idea i will write about the good that is to be named Alvaro. This is the best name in the world. If the humanity had more people named Alvaro this would be a better place to live, you can say that only men can have this name but women can be named "Alvaras".
 The name Alvaro is superior because, according to the study made for university of Surabaya, the sound is better than all others names, and is so much good that estimulates the chlidren's minds.
 But the world can`t have all the people with the same name because it can be confused, so the solution must be that Alvaros should rule world, this will end with the evils of capitalism and the mistakes of socialism, on this way we can create the perfect society for all.

8 comentarios:

  1. I wonder if I name Alvaro my dog he should be more intelligent?

  2. Go University of Surabaya!!!! My uncle Alvaro was studied there.

  3. And if your name is Alvaro, you can avoid the VIH? :s

  4. Hey!! Jose Miguel is a better name than Alvaro

  5. What do you thing about my name?
    I don't know why there's no Cinthyos in the world. Our names are sexist :(
