Well, it
seems that this is the end, and my only friend is the end. Writing blogs was a
very curious experience; it was very fun because I wrote things that made me
laugh, at the same time I wrote these things using my institutional mail, which
was made directly by the evil workers of the black tower known as tower fifteen.
Sometimes I ask myself if this is going to
bring me some problems in the future, maybe a I will be a serious person that
doesn’t make jokes of everything and then someone will find my blogs and use
this to threat my family. But in that moments I remember that I will not have a
family because I will be playing videogames in my skyscraper whit money, yachts
and bitches.
In that future I will remember this blogs as wasted
time that I should have never spent this way. NO! NO! Only joking, this was a
very wonderful time dear professor because I had classes whit a man called
Alvaro and that means a lot.
The last
blog is like the last episode of a television serie that we don’t understood totally
because It has no subtitles, but something a will always remember is that in English
we don’t say “que chucha” but we say what da hell