viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

A nice country hidden in the midle est

 I’d like to go to a very wonderful country that, during the last years, has made himself very famous. It’s located in the middle west, between Syria and Irak, and is named Islamic State.
 The Islamic State or ISIS is not a recognized country but his people have already their own traditions, they practice shooting since the fourth years and some of them assure that they children’s can win the Olympic shooting games if the target is an infidel.
 Some people say that they can be a little sharp, but I think that is because they are misunderstood, and when the Syrians run away from them the stete-islamic people they feel very sad because no one wants to talk with them.
 That’s why I want to go there; I think that they are very funny and kind people. If I go there they will teach me they traditions and may be they will be my friends
 They seem to be nice :)

5 comentarios:

  1. D:

    I did not expect that you would like to go to this country (or zone).

    Take a lot of pictures ! (?)

  2. You should try learning how to shoot there, never when it'll be useful

  3. Interesting... ahallau akbar (?
