viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Working class pet

Pets are interesting forms of life, if the question is what kind of pet I would like to have I would began by mention some principles.
I don’t have too much time for pets, so it must be useful. The better use of all is security, and if it is possible it can be used like a tool for power, like the elephants in India. The ideal pet is the one that can learn some ideological thoughts so I can make it a Marxist animal.
It doesn’t have to be beautiful; instead it can be horrible so it scares all my enemies, especially oligarchs.
His excrements must be easy to clean, must be an intelligent animal, hard to steal and hard to kill. Because such an animal like that can be wanted by invidious people that will try to take it to me. Is very important to be intelligent, it must be able to understand that I am his master and who are the possible enemies for security and for the social justice.

Having this principles the best pet in the world is the Alien, I would love to have an Alien as pet because this intelligent creature is terrifying, hard to kill, his excrements are acid so I don’t have to clean it and can be instructed to fight by the working class side and release it from the highest class oppression. An Alien is a working class hero!!

7 comentarios:

  1. hahaha thats weird. I prefer the lovely animals concept.

  2. Alvaro, I should have imagined you would write somethiong extravagant...

  3. I think a band at the 80's compared marxist with a pig... maybe
    PS: No words, o_O

  4. I belive this pet can kill you someday

  5. Have you tought on another type of alien, or it has to be the grotesque looking kind?

  6. Oh God. Maybe you will be killed by your pet, or maybe he will protect you. Very interesting choice

  7. At least it will take care of your house... just a really stupid criminal would face it
